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I am very happy with all my engine modification. The 2nd Generation Super Charger really made a difference. The extra power really kick A**. The TRD exhaust also made a bit of difference. I love the mellow throaty sound of the exhaust. Look below for all the other modification I've done. Future Modifications will include transmission and fuel upgrade. Not sure yet when, I think my driving style does not justify the modification at this time.
3.4 2nd generation Super Charger installed December of 2000 with only 3000 miles on it. I added the TRD high performance Thermostat (160 degrees) and 1 step colder NGK Spark Plug (BKR6EKPB-11). These plugs were a bit expensive costing about $12.00 each. Not sure as of yet if they are worth the money. Also, these plugs comes with dual electrode. I added the Thermostat and NGK plugs with 24,500 miles on my rig..
2000 Ca. Emission TRD Cat Back Exhaust System. I love the sound though most people do not like the deep drone "throaty" sound.
Modified Air Box (Deckplate Mod) with drop in TS-115 Amsoil filter. I also purchase the TRD filter but have not used it yet.
I recently added a TMC1.1 to get rid of the spark knock ping. My retard is set to about 5 degrees. Setting the retard degree is a must. I had to play (trial and error) to get the maximum benefit. Overall, I am very satisfied because the pinging is almost gone. I can still hear the ping on high RPM but it comes and goes. If you adjust the retard higher you will encounter the check engine light. I guess this is the only drawback of this contraption.
Modified Air Intake Elbow. I did this way back then when I first got my Supercharger (December of 2000). I did feel a bit more power because it got rid of some of intake air restriction of the silencer box.
Free FMU
TRD Dynamic Belt Tensioner
Pulley Plate Modification
Pulley Plate Modification (Bottom Bolt)
Extended Diff Breather
TRD Boost/Vacuum Gauge